Handling Mold Growth: Dealing With Mold That’s Gone Out of Control

Handling Mold Growth: Dealing With Mold That’s Gone Out of Control

According to the CDC, at least 7,000 people died in 2021 across the United States due to fungal infections. At least 75,000 were hospitalized for the same reason. Unfortunately, many of these infections occurred in the safety of their own homes. 

As much as you may enjoy cleaning your house, mold can pop up nearly anywhere. It’s not uncommon to find mold growing in your floorboards, hiding behind furniture, and even appearing in your HVAC ductwork. 

Here’s how to deal with mold that has gotten out of control and endangered your livelihood. 

How Mold Appears

Both mildew and mold are fungi that flourish in moist environments. As such, they like to show up in places with higher humidity and moisture levels. It’s even better if that area has little airflow so the fungi can spread more effectively. 

You can find mold growing on anything from wood products to ceiling tiles, and even plants and food items. They may be visible to the naked eye or require removing furnishings to find. 

Even worse, mold growth can start up within a day or two. If left unchecked, you could find mold spreading widely across a surface. 

If your home has suffered any kind of recent water damage due to flooding or sewage back-up, then you need to make sure to clean and dry everything sufficiently. It’s all too easy for mold to form if your carpet hasn’t dried out or if parts of your wall are damaged by water. 

Signs You Have a Mold Problem

There are plenty of ways to tell whether or not you have a mold problem. Some are more obvious than others, such as with black mold on your walls. Other cases are hidden and difficult to detect before you develop health problems. 

Visible Mold

You may be able to see visible mold hidden behind furnishings or even growing on the corner of your ceiling. It comes in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and textures.

The most common ones are gray, black, and even green. Black mold is arguably the most dangerous and is toxic to both humans and pets. 

Some good places to look include in your attic space, your basement, window sills, under sinks, and even in your carpeting. Moist spots are indicative of wet areas that mold loves. You may even find mold growth on things like your leather shoes or clothes hanging in your closet. 

Musty Smell

Not all mold is immediately visible, though. In some cases, you could have it lurking in corners or hidden in your walls. 

You may be able to smell the mold before you ever see it. The odor produced by some mold is called microbial volatile organic compound, or MVOC. It creates a musty smell that you may have smelled before on old, wet towels. 

On top of this, it’s possible that musty smells also point to a leak in your walls or flooring. It’s important that you deal with it as soon as possible, regardless of the cause. 

Medical Symptoms

If mold is left to spread, it can cause some serious health conditions for anyone living in the house. You may suffer from infections, allergic reactions, and nausea. It’s especially dangerous for anyone with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma or a compromised immune system. 

One way to know for sure if you have a mold problem is to get an air-quality professional to inspect your home. Your HVAC system maintenance provider may also spot signs of mold if it has affected your air conditioning system.

Dealing With Mold On Your Own

The best way to deal with mold is by cleaning it out before it gets bad. One of the most common places you’ll find it growing is in your bathroom.

However, tile walls and flooring are very easy to clean. There are also plenty of cleaning solutions that inhibit the regrowth of mold. You’ll also want to pay attention to any wood fixtures inside and surrounding your bathroom. 

On top of that, replace towels and shower curtains regularly. Fix any leaks, and maintain your exhaust fan. If you don’t have one, crack open a window and leave the door open after showering. 

If you’ve suffered water damage due to a burst pipe or flood, then it’s essential to remove as many damaged items as you can. Anything that’s left behind must have been thoroughly dried and cleaned. Everything else can provide a breeding ground for mold and mildew. 

Finally, try to maintain some airflow throughout your home. It prevents mold spores from taking root. Central air conditioning helps with this and also dehumidifies your house as a side effect. 

How to Deal With Mold Infestation

If your mold problem has turned into a full-on infestation, then it’s time to call for mold inspection services in your area. They can help you detect a problem early and prevent it from getting worse. They’ll also provide a much more thorough inspection than you’re capable of and discuss your options. 

After your inspection, you may want to get a decontamination treatment to remove deep odors and kill mold, germs, and bacteria. You can set up a custom treatment that fits your needs. 

For a mold-specific problem, there’s also ERMI and mycotoxin cleaning. This may involve removing certain furnishings to remove the mold hiding deep inside of them. The remediation process works hand-in-hand with your mold assessor and your doctors to solve your problem. 

These services are available for residential homes of any size, as well as commercial and industrial mold damage. 

Call a Professional

Dealing with mold on your own is only possible up to a certain point. Unless you treat the core issues that lead to mold growth, you’ll always run into the same problem time and time again. What you should do is call in a professional who can assess your home and pinpoint how to deal with your mold problem for good. 

Big Easy Restoration is the one to call for your mold remediation, water damage restoration, and odor removal needs. We work with clients all across the Tampa Bay Area to provide the best restoration and disinfection services. Contact us today for your customer satisfaction guarantee.